Friday, November 07, 2003

There's something about moving.....

....that is special. I was packing tonight and only a few minutes ago did I actually stop. This is only the third time in my life that I have actually moved. Which I guess is a blessing, especially from some stories I have heard.

I was going through my closet. You know where you keep all of the forgotten things of past. Well, it was quite nice. According to my old school work I was very good in Science and English. Although when I read some of the stories I had written, I thought 'what was that teacher thinking when she gave me an A'. Seriously, it wasn't that good. But whatever, it doesn't matter any more.

I also found old letters from a friend who touched my life, for a brief period but an intense period of my life. It was quite amazing how well he wrote. I wish I knew where I could find him. I haven't talked to him since 2000 and that is a little upsetting. Its quite funny how people touch our lives and then just 'disappear'. I am glad that he touched my life, at the time I didn't realize it, which is usually the way. But looking back I wouldn't take back any moments of my life with him or anybody else. They have helped shape me into the person I am today.

People plant things in you that sometimes you don't even realize until years down the road. Some make you see things differently, some teach, some just are. Its amazing how God works through people. I don't believe in coincidences and I don't believe in fluke. I am glad you are reading this. Its God and when I read your writings I am glad also. I never would have met you otherwise. Or maybe I would have, only God knows. But I hope I can touch your life as much as you have been touching mine. God be with you! Have a safe and God filled weekend!!

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