Friday, December 24, 2004

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!!!

What I thought was going to be an upsetting day, has now turned into the greatest gift I could ever receive. And it only could have happened from the 'man' above. Today, I found out that both my children will be able to spend Christmas day together. (until today, they were suppose to be going to their fathers at the opposite times and therefore would have missed each other tomorrow). But God answered a prayer that I never really mentioned to Him. He knows my heart though, and I know that although it was impossible, He made it possible. Thank you so much Lord!!:-) So, as of 1pm tomorrow I will have both my children for the rest of the day and the days after. A very merry day indeed!!!

Merry Christmas Everyone!! Have an awesome night and amazing day tomorrow!!

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

What can you do when you live in a shoe?

Sometimes life is a bit hard for those who have children, especially from different fathers. Like Skye and Matthew for instance.

I had Matthew for the morning of Christmas the last few years so I figured it was only fair to offer Christmas morning to Jason. He would then bring Matthew home in the afternoon and I would get him for the evening. All is well, or so I thought. It appears that Shawn has to work both Christmas Eve and Boxing Day for some Islamic thing happening at the Skydome. And for him to pick up Skye on Christmas Eve would mean 11pm. Which of course, you couldn't ever let a child wait up that late for the comings of Christmas morning, so he won't be picking her up that night. It seems that in order for us both to spend Christmas with Skye, I would have her in the morning and he would get her for dinner. And Jason wouldn't change his time with Matthew because his whole family can be together for the first time. So, as you can see, my children will not be spending Christmas together!! And that totally sucks big time. They will have Boxing Day together but it is still not the same as Christmas. I guess it is my fault anyway, for doing the things I did in my past, and that is life. I just wish for one day, Christmas day, everything could be perfect for my children and me. As children they probably love having two Christmas', two sets of presents, two stockings, two parties etc.. But as adults we know better.

Sunday, December 12, 2004

Congratulations are in order!!!!

We celebrated Darcy's 30th birthday on Friday over at his house. For those who do not know who he is, he is my sister's boyfriend. We had a really nice dinner and when it was time to blow out the candles, Darcy asked my sister to make a wish with him. She thought that it was a bit weird, but after being dragged by the arm, she helped him. As the lights came back on, Darcy was on one knee. At that moment he asked my sister, Mary, to marry him. Of course she said yes!! It was so awesome!! She started crying. She couldn't believe that he had asked. My dad was glowing!! I got the whole thing on camera. The pictures look awesome. I hope Darcy sends some over so I can display them for all to see. And the ring. By golly the ring is beautiful. It was exactly what she has always wanted. He did good!! ;-)

Congratulations Mary and Darcy!!
Can't wait for the big day. Something that, of course, still needs to be discussed.

Monday, December 06, 2004

The snow is falling, is falling, is falling!

Well, unlike most of the rest of Canada, today marks the first official snow fall for the GTA. It looks so beautiful and it is so cold.

Yesterday, my dad and I finished hanging the lights outside of the house and then had our first use of the fire place this season. The snow just adds to the beginnings of the Christmas season.

The one thing I do not like about snow though, is the slippery roads and accidents. I was out for close to 2 hours today and not only did I have to steer out of hitting a car, I also did a 360, thankfully on a road less traveled. No cars in site and I was doing 30km if that. I must have hit some black ice or something. But after landing on the other side of the street and up the curb, I restarted my car, and continued along the road even more cautiously. Sometimes it really doesn't matter how cautious you are!! Mississauga is usually very good when it comes to cleaning streets and getting the salt trucks out, but this morning I only saw one salt truck. Thankfully, I am home and safe and about to give my son some lunch.

So, to everyone one who has to drive in this mess, be safe and if you can, stay home and off the roads.

Thursday, December 02, 2004

Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.

Dr. Seuss