Tuesday, January 25, 2005


I am in the process of re-evaluating my life. I have been digging in the Word and have seen things I have never noticed before. I guess it is mostly because I have been going to the Word with an open heart, trying to learn everything I can from the Spirit. He has shed some light on quite a lot of things. For the first time in my life I don't want to put my bible down. I have fallen asleep with bible in hand due mostly to exhaustion, but still not wanting to set it aside until another day. I wish I had that enthusiasm a long time ago. But I guess we all have to come to a point in our life when things really turn around. I wouldn't say a 360 because I am not going to end up where I started. But end up in a totally different realm.

Months ago God shed some light on my future and it scared me. I must say that sometimes I still am afraid but I can tell you what: this time I haven't and won't give into that fear. I am pushing through it and in the process growing in my faith and love toward God. I find it awesome that He preserved a book for me to learn from for decades. And I have the privilege of picking it up and learning as much as He wants me too, from it. And in doing so, I may do His will in my life thereby touching people on the way.

It's kind of funny but last night I went to see a movie with two close friends. Now you must understand that I have loved movies for as long as I can remember and have been an avid collector. But the whole time I watched it I was thinking that I was sitting there wasting valuable time that I could be spending with God and maybe I should be talking with my friends about Him instead of watching this movie. This past week the same thing happened. My family was watching movies and normally I would sit and enjoy it too but I didn't, I went to my room and picked up my bible. What joy is this when the Lord finally becomes more important than all the worldly things we have come to know and love. I am looking forward to more of this and less of the worldly things I have held on to for way too long.

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