Monday, May 10, 2004


When we moved into our new house back in December we found rose bushes in our front walkway. We didn't know that when spring hit and the snow went away that no one had taken care of the roses for what seemed like years. The whole area was covered with weeds. My mom asked my sister to help because she has a green thumb and both my mom and I do not. But after waiting weeks for Mary to help, my mom started pulling weeds today. I ended up taking over and finally after a hard days work, the garden looks rather nice.

I never realized how much work gardening is, until now, of course! But I actually like manual labour. It's rewarding. And the sun was shining. The weather was so beautiful today. It ended up reaching a high of 28 degrees Celsius. I guess I did pick a good day to take off work.

Except now Matthew is sick. He had a high fever this evening. When a three year old only wants to lie down and rest you know that there is something wrong. Hopefully he will sleep the whole night through.

I hope I will sleep well too, except every time I close my eyes all I see are weeds and bugs. ewwwww!! You really should have seen the size of some of those worms and potato bugs and what I think were beetles or looked just as gross!!

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